The Core Series Recordings Package
Lyme Less Live More set out to help change the way we approach illness and ultimately recover from it, and it's working.
By getting back to the basics, we can move from chronically ill to chronically well and regain our strength physically, mentally and emotionally.
The Lyme Less Live More Core Series was created to take you on a journey (no matter what stage you are in your transformation) and give you the tools to take control of your well being now and forever.
"..please know you are saving lives as much as any other treatment." - Chris
"Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing this brave and wonderful work. What an incredible gift you have given to so many of us. Thanks for broadening my view and touching my heart!" - Lynne
"Wow...this is helping me so much to understand my body." - Brenn
These 12 Core Principles are timeless and universal.
Don't miss one of them...
What do I learn in the Core Series Program?
Part 1 - Physical:
1) How to Heal Your Gut for Optimum Health
-- with Caroline Barringer (Video Interview)
One of the most indisputable factors for healing is the state of your gut, which encompasses your ability to absorb nutrients from your food and eliminate toxins from your body. A healthy gut increases your energy and reduces your overall body inflammation. Caroline's own health challenges led her to many years of study and research relating to the direct connection between diet and the strength of the internal bio-system - a connection, which the world of modern medicine doesn't often consider as a major factor contributing to dis-ease.
* Follow-Up Q&A Call Recording -- Caroline answers your questions:
- Gut Health: during and after antibiotic treatment
- Candida: why it's present in the gut
- Food allergies: intolerance vs allergy
- Migraines: The root cause
- How Diarrhea and constipation are the same problem
- How poor Gut health effects mood and can cause Depression and anxiety
2) How to Make Food YOUR Medicine
-- with Brent Martin (Video Interview)
Have you ever tried to be a vegan and just ended up feeling worse? Or have you gone the Paleo route with extra steaks and felt like a log? The reality: one size doesn't fit all when it comes to your body's unique nutritional needs. Tapping into what your body really needs will unlock your full health and healing potential.
* Follow-Up Q&A Call Recording -- Dana, Brent and Marc Weill discuss:
- Why herxing isn’t a good long term strategy
- The 3 critical foundations for recovery
- Buffering acidic toxins (and pain in the body) with minerals
- How toxins steal energy from digestion
- Blood sugar and the immune system
- Food fears
- Food reactions vs detox reactions
- Choosing a treatment path and trusting your body again
3) How to Reduce Full Body Pain with Lymph Detox
-- with Marc Weill (Video Interview)
So much focus in chronic illness and Lyme Disease is spent on what we can take. What if the key to feeling well is instead what we can take away and release from our systems. When your body is clogged up with toxins, the bugs grow and symptoms increase significantly. Opening up your detox pathways is the cornerstone to relief and dramatically increased results.
* Follow-Up Q&A Call Recording -- Marc answers your questions about:
- What are the toxins that are a result of pathogenic overload?
- What happens when an external toxin enters our system?
- Where is the lymph system?
- What happens when the lymph gets clogged?
- How to repair your system after treatment.
4) How to Reduce Toxins in Your Environment
-- with Beth Greer (Video Interview)
So often we spend countless dollars on supplements and protocols to be healthier, and yet we unwittingly allow ourselves to be surrounded by toxins - especially in our very home! So don't just detox to retox all over again. It's time for a full detox of your house so you can minimize your toxic load and exposure, translating into true clean living on the inside and out. Beth Greer will show you how easy it can be.
* Follow-Up Q&A Call Recording -- Beth answers your questions:
- What is the best water for us to drink?
- What are the best air purifiers?
- The dangers of off-gassing furniture.
- Natural body products made from your kitchen.
- Ways to protect yourself from chemicals in the world.
Part 2 - Mindset:
5) How to Co-Exist with Illness
-- with Andy A. Wilson UNDER OUR SKIN (Video Interview)6>
The making of "Under Our Skin" was no small task. With over 400 hours of footage, Andy Abraham Wilson and his team spent years developing the story. In this ground-breaking interview, he will reveal the overarching similarities and the key aspects in those that recover.
* Follow-Up Q&A Call Recording -- Andy answers your questions:
- Who pulls through Lyme disease?
- Why is testing so difficult?
- How is Lyme Disease forcing us to change how we approach illness?
- Why we need to learn co-existence with nature?
- Updates on UNDER OUR SKIN and the new film.
6) How to Speed Up Recovery through Self-Care
-- with Dave Asprey (Video Interview)

* Follow-Up Q&A Call Recording -- Dave answers your questions:
- The benefits of ozone treatments (and options).
- How to use charcoal to remove toxins from your body.
- Coffee: bad reactions, adrenals, and ulcers.
- Cholesterol and gall bladder considerations with butters and oils.
- Toxic mold and weight gain.
7) How To Heal Your Story
-- with Connie Strasheim (Video Interview)
Lyme stories are sad with a recurring theme of loss. Today we will explore why telling that story over and over reaffirms the self-identity of illness. But what if we could let that story go and consider how Lyme Disease has actually helped to transform us into a better version of ourselves? Connie Strasheim shows us how to re-write our story of loss into a story of hidden gifts.
* Follow-Up Q&A Call Recording -- Connie and Dr. Lee Cowden answer your questions:
- What happens when traumas and negative emotions get stuck in our bodies?
- How can we get unstuck with our health and happiness?
- What can we do when we are at the bottom?
- How can we ask for help?
- How can we move past the hurt and loss about being ill?
8) How to Release Trauma and Anxiety
-- with Julie Schiffman (Video Interview)
When we are in the grips of illness we are almost always experiencing a negative emotion like fear, anger, frustration, anxiety (or all of the above!) on top of feeling ill. In the process, stress hormones are released and only add to our fatigue. Learn how this repetitive stress effects your ability to heal, and how to take action to stop that stress pattern in its tracks by accessing the nervous system directly through a tried and true technique.
* Follow-Up Q&A Call Recording -- Julie answers your questions:
- How can we manage anxiety?
- How can we access and release negative emotions?
- How can tapping help me out of the loop of chronic stress?
- How when we feel like we are being heard, we start to heal.
- Julie then walks us through a full EFT tapping session to release anxiety (NEW TAPPING VIDEO).
Part 3 - Energetics:
9) How to Heal the Whole Person (EMF's / Mental / Immune)
-- with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD (Video Interview)
We are bombarded by invisible energy fields all day long. If your cell phone is getting a signal, rest assured that your body is too. But what about people, media and mass consciousness? How does this constant fear affect us on a daily basis? Learn how choosing positive fields can shift your health and understand the power of love and faith.
* Follow-Up Q&A Call Recording -- Dr. Klinghardt answers your questions:
- How ecological change is a leading cause of the Lyme epidemic.
- How mold and electromagnetic frequencies from wireless technology are keeping us sick.
- What you can do to minimize exposure.
- Why sensitive people have an advantage.
- And how activism for change can be a form of healing - for ourselves and for the greater good.
10) How to Overcome Healing Roadblocks
-- with Dr. Beth McDougall, MD (Video Interview)
Join us with Dr. Beth McDougall as we explore the bigger picture of illness and consider how it can be so much more than just a diagnosis. The effects of illness can strip your outer life apart. But who you truly are and are meant to be cannot be lost. In fact, your life's purpose can be revealed through the healing process.
* Follow-Up Q&A Call Recording -- Dr. Beth answers your questions:
- How we can have an affect on our body's healing matrix.
- How microbes and thoughts have a frequency.
- How it's better to change the ecosystem, rather than wage a war against the bugs.
- How our core beliefs about ourselves can keep us stuck.
- How we can move into self acceptance wherever we are in life.
- How Ho'oponopono ("I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you") is a wonderful tool.
11) How to Align with Your True Healing Path
-- with Paul Chek (Video Interview)
Exercise and movement is a foundational component to health, but what are we supposed to do when we barely have the energy to get out of the house? Consider working in instead of working out. Paul Chek shares simple and easy techniques on how to cultivate more energy for healing through simple movement, active rest, and a reminder that our physical muscles aren't our only muscles.
* Follow-Up Q&A Call Recording -- Dana and Brent answer your questions:
- Can illness wake us up to our true self?
- What or who have we blamed for this illness?
- How can we shift into self care and self responsibility?
- What life tools or awareness do you now have that you didn't have before Lyme?
12) How to Strengthen Your Spirit and Make Today Count
-- with Dana Walsh (Video Interview)
We are conditioned to fight when threatened, but fighting takes a tremendous amount of energy, especially when the "enemy" is invisible to the eye. Learn how a deep surrender to "what is" can help you access the life force you need to heal and reclaim your life in order to open the door to "what can be."
* Follow-Up Q&A Call Recording -- Dana answers your questions:
- What were the turning points in her health?
- Are we ever "fully" healed from Lyme?
- How to deal with the financial burden?
- What treatments worked best for her?
- And relationships with chronic illness.
These 12 Core Principles are timeless and universal.
Don't miss one of them...
To help you implement these changes, we have created Action Guides (summary points, action items, our reflections) for each of the 12 Core Principles and have added 12 Follow-Up Q&A Call Recordings.
Don't miss one of them...

Our Core Series Recordings Package has transformed many lives.
We hope it changes yours too.
Own this information and learn with us now.
Thanks for being here.
In health,
Dana and Brent
"Thank you all for this, so filled with hope." - Lauren
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! For all your video's and interviews and time and effort you put into it. I have been inspired beyond belief. As I lay here in bed on my laptop with the pain and agony that goes along with this disease I was able to find light and truth and incredible inspiration in all that was being said. I was able to get outside and go into my back yard and feel the grass beneath my feet. I was able to pull a few weeds. Even if for only 10 minutes, I found joy despite the insane symptoms. I love this new concept I learned and I am looking forward to finding little joys through out my day and look forward to be able to have bigger and bigger joys. Thank you so much to the both of you for looking into the camera and telling me you love me, you have my gold. Tears streamed down my face. I love you both!! XOXO" - Brenda
"I love you guys SO much!!! Can you feel it? This thing you did is gorgeous and has reminded me of things I sometimes forget. I hope to join you soon in being better able to help others. ((( )))" - Kris
"I can honestly say that for the first time in a LONG time... I'm looking forward to tomorrow. nothing planned either. It's just the realization that every day is a gift. I might be able to climb a mountain or perhaps I'll be lucky to climb the stairs but either way... it'll be an adventure!" - Moonchick