Lyme Less Live More Winter Cleanse: Dr. Terry Wahls (Trailer)

Register here to get access to the full interview with Dr. Terry Wahls during Lyme Less Live More's 21-Day Winter Cleanse.

Dr. Wahls will be featured again in a Live Q&A call during the 21-Day Cleanse (The Winter Sessions) starting on February 1.

You're safe with us.  We will never share your information.

Dana and Brent are bringing back the 21-day Cleanse with more LIVE support and "Winter-focused" ways to stay strong in your daily detox.

This is not a fast. It's a nourishing, building cleanse that is gradual and profoundly powerful.

The results were dramatic and the steps easy to follow with health expert guidance and Dana and Brent's support all the way through.

Remember, it's all about adding the GOOD stuff!

Here's what some cleanse members said about the experience:

"Looking forward to tonight's Huddle. I love what you at Lyme Less Live More are doing to help the Lyme community. You're the best resource around and I recommend your site to everyone dealing with this disease.. Thank you for all you do!" -- M

Register for a FREE viewing of our FULL interview with Dr. Terry Wahls
during our Lyme Less Live More 21-Day Cleanse.

You're safe with us.  We will never share your information.

** Starting February 1, we begin the Lyme Less Live More 21-Day Cleanse: The Winter Sessions **