A Message from Michael Vladeck

Having overcome "terminal" cancer, Michael has mastered the tools necessary to find peace in the midst of the crisis and now coaches individuals back to their core selves.

And from THIS place, great shifts can happen and healing can occur.

Michael was moved by our Late Summer Cleanse group and has decided to offer LLLM members an intimate 5-part coaching course.

This program suits anyone ready to take the next step and especially good for practitioners that want to heal themselves and teach what they learn.

This is a rare opportunity.

Here is Michael's personal invite to you:

PS... Michael's program starts tomorrow. Spontaneous, yes, but so healing. Hope you catch this one!

Here is the link to register for Michael's course, exclusively for LLLM.

Here are 7 Possible Topics Michael will cover (the group chooses):

Struggling Less, With Less Effort - How to release the stressful and depressing attachments to having "life be different", while still focusing on your healing

Process Heavy Emotions Efficiently - How to face and transform the heaviness or overwhelm of fear, frustration or sadness - effectively, efficient and compassionately

Healing Relationship Conflicts - How to skillfully handle relationship conflicts that arise out of loved ones not knowing how to support you or relate to you

Discovering the Teaching in your Struggle - How to receive the deepest teaching your illness has for you, so that you become for peaceful and empowered.

Setting Compassionate Boundaries that Work - How to set boundaries in loving and compassionate way in order to honor yourself
Quieting the Mind Chatter - How to shift away for the incessant chatter of the mind and get to a more expansive awareness

Accepting what is Unacceptable - How to find acceptance and peace with what is, when is is not what you want

Register for the course here:

Here is the link to register for Michael's course, exclusively for LLLM.

About Michael Vladeck

Michael VladeckHaving fully healed from an advanced “terminal” cancer and overcoming severe adolescent clinical depression, Michael helps individuals cultivate a deep personal connection to themselves in a way that fosters great self-awareness, self-compassion, personal empowerment, and profound communication skills regarding relationships with loved ones. He helps to develop highly effective personal practices for clients who are committed to making the shifts they want to see in their lives.