Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt on Parasites and Boundaries
After so many years of treating parasites (and microbes) it comes to a point where we have to ask "What else?" Is there something else contributing to these infections?
We spend all of our energies looking under the skin to see what is causing our dis-ease... But what if much of the disturbance is outside of the skin -- in the field around us?
Here's a clip about this dynamic from "Lyme Less Live More: The Fall Sessions"...
* Dana Walsh, featured in the Lyme Documentary UNDER OUR SKIN, and Brent Martin (Founders of Lyme Less Live More) identified a giant gap while recovering from Lyme: What to do in-between doctor visits? Now, with the help of their expert faculty Dana and Brent teach a multi-faceted approach to recovering health that includes self-care, healthy mindset, and conscious awareness.
We had the privilege to catch up with world renowned physician Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt to discuss the relationship between parasitic infections and our emotional/psychic boundaries.
You can watch both Dr. Klinghardt interviews and learn about how we are taking on parasites and better boundaries during "The Fall Sessions."
"The Fall Sessions" is now available.
Register for "The Fall Sessions" here.
To dive deeper into these interviews, connect with other members, make anti-parasitic recipe "treat-ments," and move powerfully into the New Year,
join us for the "Fall Sessions" Live Program.
Here's What Our Past Members Are Saying:
"Dana and Brent, you two and the service you provide have been the lighthouse in the rough seas of my first year with Lyme. I hold you both in love for everything you have done for me and I know so many others. This is a gem of a service/support/program." -- Patty
"I am eternally grateful for LLLM. We have spent THOUSANDS (literally) on drs visits, pharmaceuticals and herbal remedies for myself, my husband and three kids and if I had the opportunity to do it all over so I could give you guys the all that money vs where it went, I'd do it in a heartbeat. The information you provide is stellar. You both are incredible and bring the absolute best, best, best information and speakers our way. You are both so gentle and compassionate and are very deserving of only praise, grace and gratitude." -- Leslie
"You have created a GOLDMINE of a program. I cannot tell you how much my life has improved since last February. You and Dana have voiced that healing from this is a marathon, not a fast race. I have found that the tools you are offering for daily self care are far more valuable for healing than any doctor's visit I've ever had. Therefore, I have cherished all of my time spent in the cleanses. I'm deeply appreciative of all the top healers you have interviewed for our benefit, and for all of the truly genius recipes and detox suggestions. And to top that off, you and Dana have offered your hearts and souls. The love and support you have offered has brought together a community of some truly lovely, like-minded people, and I can see this growing! The scope of what you are offering is enormous!!" -- Doreen
"You are an absolute godsend. I appreciate all your energy, wisdom, kindness and hard work. I found LLLM "coincidentally" 2 days after I was diagnosed. It was like a miracle. I have made so many connections with amazing people and learned so much about health, wellness, and boundaries. This group is like none other, and you guys spearheaded this all. You guys truly give your heart and souls to this, and I feel it. You guys have made a huge impact on my life in the last 6 months. Looking forward to fall sessions. xoxo" -- Erica
"Dana and Brent, I love your commitment to this group and for all of your efforts that bring to me therapies, ideas, healing tools that can help me in the comforts of my home. You guys are so needed and truth be told it's the cheapest help I've ever got in the last eight years, thank you, thank you, thank you!!" -- Lisa
"The wealth of information and support I have gained from these cleanses has been insurmountable when it comes to getting control over our lives back!! It truly has been life changing having found you Brent Martin and Dana Walsh and what you have brought to each of our lives." -- Alicia
"I have been doing these cleaners for the past three seasons and have been looking forward to this fall cleanse. I signed up the minute I could!
I thank you both from the bottom of my heart. I thank God every day that I have been blessed to find you both even though I have never met you. I hope someday I am blessed to do so.
I have learned so much from you both. I would say the thing I am most grateful for is that you both have opened your hearts and lives to share your successes and struggles. You are real people with real tears and successes. You allow us into your kitchen (teaching us how to make broth and wash veggies), bathroom (detoxing baths), and even your bedroom (morning stretches).
Having Lyme has me feeling frustrated, confused and alone, but you both have helped streamline my care and saved me hundreds of dollars running around throwing money at treatments that don't work. So in the long run $108 will save me more then I will ever know.
I will never know how many hours or how much energy you have put it into all this but I am very grateful.
You have touched my life and helped me heal. You have helped me look at Lyme with gratitude. I love you both very much!!" -- Jill
"The last cleanse was the first for me and I must say it was The best and most beneficial thing I have ever done. I am still dancing and yawning along with Brent, Dana and Marc. Continue doing what you do! It IS making a DIFFERENCE!" -- Sarah
"So very very very grateful to be a part of this wonderful group and to keep learning along with all of you. Brent and Dana, you are my heroes! Love you" -- Gail
"I just wanted to say thank you for all that you have done to create and gather all of this amazing information. The summer cleanse was my first experience with LLLM and I wish I had found you sooner. This information is invaluable and worth even more than the $ you are charging." -- Mary
"I don't think you know how much we appreciate your work! You talk from heart and we cherish you and your work. I learned from you guys not only about Lyme but about communication, myself and LIFE! I got more clear on things around me through your work! Can you imagine how big that is! And the cost is the cost of a message session or some other treatment. AHH, IF YOU WERE IN FRONT OF ME NOW, I WOULD GIVE YOU A BIG HUGE HUG AND SQUEEZE YOU HARD SISTER :)" -- Niem
"LLLM has taught me so much, given me so many tools to heal that I use now every day and need even more as money gets tight and I am self treating so much. I can't speak for anyone else but I know you guys have really changed my life and I am deeply grateful to you both for that." -- Carolyn
"I so appreciate everything you guys have given. I personally gained so much from the late summer cleanse and recognize how much it must take to do what you are doing. I find that your work helps me understand my own needs in a way that means I don't have to rely on my doctors as much. This investment results in a huge savings in the long run. When I consider how much my family and loved ones gain from this the benefit is tenfold. God bless you and your work." -- Claire
"Dana & Brent - the information and support that you provide is so incredibly valuable. I love getting various perspectives from different practitioners and the recipes and detox ideas keep us motivated to keep walking the walk. Not to mention the access to the private FB group where you can share things you may not even share with your family or closest friends. Lyme is an expensive disease to fight and I am always amazed at how much we receive with your program, for so little. I have left a doctors appointment after paying hundreds
of dollars without a quarter of the motivation, hope and perspective that I get from your work. Big hugs and appreciation to you both. :)" -- Tamara

"The Fall Sessions" is NOW OPEN!
Register for "The Fall Sessions" here.
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You will also get instant access to our first "Fall Sessions" Interview
about "Digestion, Lungs and Reclaiming Joy."