"Treat-ments" For This Holiday

There is no way around it. Parasites are gross. Not a fun topic, but also one we can’t ignore, especially when dealing with Lyme or chronic illness.

Fig Ball BiteIn our Lyme Less Live More "Fall Sessions," we use delicious “Treat-ments” using active anti-parasitic foods (like figs, clove, ginger, pumpkin seeds, etc) to help reduce parasitic load. We are humbled by the power of active foods and also the holistic perspectives on healing chronic illness from our experts.

One of the big hits in our "Fall Sessions" is our Figgy Fudge Balls! This recipe is not only delicious but really gets things moving! Also, they are a wonderful Holiday treat to share with friends and family. It’s just too good not to share with our Lyme community!

To get this recipe and learn more about our "Fall Sessions" (open now), sign in here:

You're safe with us. We will never share your information.

About Us: Dana Walsh, featured in the Lyme Documentary UNDER OUR SKIN, and Brent Martin (Founders of Lyme Less Live More) identified a giant gap while recovering from Lyme: What to do in-between doctor visits?

Now, with the help of their expert faculty Dana and Brent teach a multi-faceted approach to recovering health that includes self-care, healthy mindset, and conscious awareness.

Disclaimer: Our cleanse is not a prescription. It is an invitation to clean up some draining habits. We are doing this cleanse with you. Please take what you like and leave the rest. And, always consult with your healthcare practitioner to see what's best for you. We are patients that learn from them and share. Information into action!