Repairing and Rebuilding for Lyme Recovery

Airplane Skit JPGSometimes we need to be prepared for the “real world.” In our Survival Kit video (from our Late Summer Program) we share powerful tips for staying balanced in your everyday life. We even do an airplane skit.

Register here (your best email) to watch it, stay connected with updates, and get 50% off of our Late Summer Program.

You're safe with us.  We will never share your information.

We know the depths of suffering from Lyme Disease. We do.

We also know that every day counts as one in your life.

And Living More today is what matters most.

Regardless of the pain, joy and laughter can always be found, if you look for it.

If this is you, join our mailing list here.

You're safe with us.  We will never share your information.

About Dana and Brent:

Dana Walsh, featured in the Lyme Documentary UNDER OUR SKIN, and Brent Martin (Founders of Lyme Less Live More) identified a giant gap while recovering from Lyme: What to do in-between doctor visits?

Each with a personal Lyme story and both having been down a long road with chronic illness (10 plus years), they recall that time when they felt they were left in the abyss. They realized to reverse an illness, it would take daily care and attention.

Now, with the help of their expert faculty Dana and Brent teach a multi-faceted approach to recovering health that includes self-care, healthy mindset, and conscious awareness.