21 More Days of Cleanse Support for the Winter

Questions? Listen to our Winter Cleanse Overview:

Announcement: The 21-Day Cleanse starts on Sunday, Feb 1.
This first week is SLOW and STEADY.
It's not too late. You won't be behind.
Please see below for more details.

Order the Winter Sessions Here

Brent wants to REBUILD this Winter... I admit... I didn't think a simple cleanse could be THAT powerful. But 2 weeks into our Fall Cleanse, I realized I hadn't had a migraine, my bowel movements went from 1 to 2/day (sometimes 3!), and I finally started eating more vegetables! Now, I've got A LOT I want to do in my life, so I need to build more strength and power up for what's ahead. I loved the the Fall Cleanse and have adopted some new habits. But now I'm looking forward to more sustained energy and taking it to the next level.
Dana wants to WARM UP this Winter... Our Fall Cleanse was REALLY powerful for me. I had intense cramps for a month and then released many toxins during my next period. I realized how much just eating ENOUGH of the good foods everyday was truly medicine. I slipped back a little bit over the holidays, and now I'm ready to eat more consistently, balance my blood sugar and strengthen my immunity. Looking forward to building up my reserves and rebuilding my body... and my dreams.
The #1 thing we learned in the Fall
is that one Cleanse doesn't fit all Seasons.

That's why we're ready to Fire It Up
and focus on Building Strength this Winter.

What's new in the Winter Sessions?:

  • New Winter-Focused Recipes
  • New Cooking Videos
  • 3 New Modules with Marc Weill on Immunity, Body Temperature, and Rebuilding Tissue
  • 3 more Live Q&A Calls (with Marc Weill, Dr. Terry Wahls, and Beth Schultz and Sarah Cochraine)
  • 3 more Live Group "Huddles" Calls (with Dana, Brent, and Beverly)
  • Transcripts of all of the Teaching Modules
  • No Supplements, All 100% Food-Based
  • Following the same original Fall Cleanse format plus new Winter guidelines
  • PLUS, we created a Private Facebook Group just for the Winter Sessions!

Dana and Brent,
Thanks for doing this program. The speakers were all fantastic, the cleanse was paced perfectly and you both are awesome. I'll miss the weekly calls but I feel great and I have the tools to keep going. Looking forward to hearing more from you in the new year.
Peace, love and health." -- Terri

"Hi Dana and Brent,
I just wanted to thank you for offering this cleanse, often, I just did not know where to begin in my healing, as you know the symptoms are so over whelming.
Cleansing is the first step! It's so obvious, but difficult to see when disease takes over. The information and professional interviews have been incredibly helpful, I feel like I can take a deep breath and exhale. I like your no pressure attitude, I am on my way...
Also thanks so much for making it affordable." -- January

The 21-day cleanse starts Sunday, February 1!
6 LIVE Support Calls over 3 Weeks.
Recipes, Cooking Videos, Teaching Videos, Transcripts,
And a Private Facebook Group just for this Cleanse!

Join us now for only $44.

(includes all recordings and transcripts)

New Cleanse Members are joining now for $84 .
The Cleanse Starts Monday, January 26!
You can join for a special Fall Member discount of $44.

Sale: $44 (sale only for Fall Members)
Sign Up Now!

Here's what your fellow Fall Cleanse Members said...
"Thank you so much for all your hard work and effort that you have put into helping others.  You two are the best!  You make me feel less alone on this lonely Lyme recovery road.
You  also come at a valuable time for me as I have been working out cleaning out the parasites and mold toxins this last year and even now." -- Brenda

Thank you so much for all you're doing!  It's exactly what I need... at the right time, in the right way...
The more incentive/information I have, the easier it is for me to eliminate something from my diet. This cleanse has been amazing for me in that regard.  I love listening to the professionals you've invited... it really helps me to solidify my resolve to make changes. So much gratitude." -- Katie

"I thank you both for providing such valuable information and priceless compassion and hope at an affordable price." -- Estelle

Dear Dana and Brent, Many thanks for last night's telephone session.  It was very beneficial.  You are amazing, pulling this all together!  Please know that you are deeply touching many lives and have already given me more than you can imagine.
Kindest regards and appreciation to Marc as well.
Keep up the great work!
With love and gratitude." -- E

Thanks a million to you and Dana for putting this cleanse program together. I can't tell you how much better I feel after only a couple of weeks. So good, in fact, that i ran a half marathon yesterday for the first time since my symptoms began. Just really amazing. 
So anyway, thanks again for your call. All the best to you both." -- Christine

"I have improved my bowels to having one regular movement daily (rather than skipping a day a few times a week). I have been able to have 2 movements per day on an occasion." -- D.

"I just want to express my gratitude for the work you are doing!! I really appreciate your sensitivity with people and the thoroughness with which you address our questions. Thank you!" -- Brent

"Thanks so much for all the amazing info and guiding us through the cleanse, I feel great!" -- Christine

This is a closed and intimate group.
Week 1 of the 21-Day Cleanse beings on Sunday, Feb 1.
It's slow and steady with extra Winter elements.
Come talk to us on our new Private Facebook Group.
You can join for a special Fall Member Discount of $44.

Get In With Us

Change, move and grow.

PS... Who said getting healthy can't be fun?