Lyme Less Live More: "The Winter Sessions"

Lyme Less Live More: The Winter Sessions 2024

(Watch: "Kidney Health: The Art of Balance")

“Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.”

- John Lennon

Live Access, 4 calls, Private Facebook,
$44 for Past Winter Members
Doors Open Feb 24!

Can't wait to see you inside!

Join Us Here!

"Winter asks: How do I overcome all the fear inside?

And Spring answers: Remember Love”

"Winter, like illness, asks us to go inside and reflect on what is most important.
Winter, like illness, asks us to be still, to sit back, watch and witness the storm.
Winter, like illness, asks us to generate warmth from the inside. And be our own star in the night sky.

In ancient traditions of medicine, Winter is seen as the time to nourish and rebuild our bodies with specific focus on kidney health. When our kidney’s are strong and functioning well, we are less inclined to fear and the fight or flight response. And when we address the fears in our life (with love and strength) we regain our life-force to heal. Life doesn’t stop with Lyme and chronic illness. It just looks different. Together, we find new avenues of joy and a wider perspective of life.
We find pleasure in the simplest things as we learn to Live and Love More.

Let the LOVE and support of our group melt away the fear."

- Dana and Brent

"We begin our program with food
as a way to start the self-nourishing process,
then we move into exploring
the deeper levels of self-acceptance and self-realization
(with the latter being the most important, in our opinion)"

What to expect in the Winter Sessions:

  • Nourishing Recipes and Cooking Videos
  • Teaching Videos with the Experts
  • 4 Live Q&A and Group "Huddles" Calls
  • Soul-Full Sunday Exercises (a Day for Inner Reflection)
  • Permanent Access to All Program Materials
  • 4 Weeks of Support, Coaching, and Encouragement
  • Private Facebook Group with like-minded members

Your Self-Paced Schedule:

Orientation and Prep Week

  • Winter Sessions: Cleansing Do's and Don't's List, Prep List, Shopping List
  • Winter Sessions Overview Call with Dana and Brent
  • Love/Fear Inventory

  • Learn (short video modules at your pace)
  • Marc Weill: {Part 1} "Immunity, Energy, and Detoxing"
  • Marc Weill: {Part 2} "Balancing Body Temperature"
  • Marc Weill: {Part 3} "Repairing and Rebuilding"
  • Marc Weill: {Part 4} "Kidney Health for Strength and Balance"

  • Connect
  • LIVE Call: Winter Sessions Overview Call with Dana and Brent
  • Join Our Private Facebook Group

Week 1: Nourish

  • Terry Wahls, MD: "The Impact of Food on Reversing 'Incurable' Illness"
  • Marc Weill: {Part 5} "Understanding the Viral Aspect of Chronic Illness"
  • Healing Call Recording with Beverly: "Accessing Love by Acknowledging Fear"

  • Connect
  • LIVE Q&A Call with Marc Weill

  • Nourish
  • Winter Eating Guidelines
  • Recipes: Healing Mineral Broth, Waking Up Digestion, and Getting More Fiber
  • Detox Methods: Detox Baths, Enemas, and Oil Pulling
  • Soul-Full Sunday Part 1

Week 2: Heal

  • Anthony William (The Medical Medium): "Unraveling the Mystery of Chronic Illness and Lyme Disease"
  • Follow-Up Q&A Recording with Anthony William (The Medical Medium: "The Viral Universe and How to Detach from It"

  • Connect
  • LIVE Group "Huddles"* Call with Dana and Brent

  • Nourish
  • Anti-Viral Food Glossary and Recipes
  • How to Eat Fruit When You're Feeling Cold
  • Soul-Full Sunday Part 2

  • * "Huddles" are interactive small group calls (talk to other Cleanse members!)

Week 3: Integrate

  • Healing Call Recording with Beverly on "Living Peacefully Amidst the Chaos"
  • Integrate your new healthy habits
  • Catch up on videos and calls

  • Connect
  • LIVE Healing Call with Beverly on "Finding Strength in an Ever-Changing World"

  • Nourish
  • Continue with Eating Guidelines and Anti-Viral Foods
  • Soul-Full Sunday Part 3

Extra Cleanse Resources:

  • Marc David: "What Are You Really Craving?"
  • Dr. Leo Galland, MD: "Lyme, Leaky Gut, and Lifestyle"
  • Dr. Terry Wahls, MD: Follow-Up Q&A Call Recording
  • "Live More" Store

  • Connect

Dana and Brent,
Thanks for doing this program. The speakers were all fantastic, the cleanse was paced perfectly and you both are awesome. I'll miss the weekly calls but I feel great and I have the tools to keep going. Looking forward to hearing more from you in the new year.
Peace, love and health." -- Terri

"Hi Dana and Brent,
I just wanted to thank you for offering this cleanse, often, I just did not know where to begin in my healing, as you know the symptoms are so over whelming.
Cleansing is the first step! It's so obvious, but difficult to see when disease takes over. The information and professional interviews have been incredibly helpful, I feel like I can take a deep breath and exhale. I like your no pressure attitude, I am on my way...
Also thanks so much for making it affordable." -- January

Our Partners and Allies:

Marc Weill

Interviews and LIVE Q&A Support Calls: "Immunity and Detox," "Balancing Body Temperature," "Repairing and Rebuilding," "Kidney Health for Strength and Balance," "Understanding the Viral Aspect of Chronic Illness" Marc E. Weill is a holistic practitioner, teacher and researcher who has developed a new system of kinesiology. For 30+ years, Marc has treated patients, combining his knowledge of Applied Kinesiology, osteopathic techniques, naturopathy, homeopathy, nutrition, and structural body work (Rolfing). Weill specializes in teaching people to rely on their own knowledge and awareness as the basis for health and exceptional change. Weill believes that we are all innately aware of what we need and what really enhances their lives. His guiding principle role is as an assistant to tune our own innate listening skills.

Dr. Terry Wahls, MD

Interview: "The Impact of Food on Reversing 'Incurable' Illness" Dr. Terry Wahls is a board certified internal medicine physician and also a patient with a chronic progressive neurological disorder, secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, which confined her to a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years. Dr. Wahls did not give up. Instead she began reading the medical literature night after night, looking for her own answers about what drove disability in the setting of MS. She created new theories which she then tested upon herself with results that stunned her family, her physician and herself for she got up, out of the wheelchair. She now able to bicycle 18 miles. Grateful to have her life back, Dr. Wahls has been committed teaching both the medical community and the lay public about the power of intensive, directed nutrition, to restore health and vitality.

Anthony William

Interview and LIVE Q&A Call: "Unraveling the Mystery of Chronic Illness and Lyme Disease" Anthony William was born with the unique ability to converse with a high-level spirit who provides him with extraordinarily accurate health information that’s often far ahead of its time. When Anthony was four years old, he shocked his family by announcing at the dinner table that his symptom-free grandmother had lung cancer. Medical testing soon confirmed the diagnosis. For over 25 years, Anthony has devoted his life to helping people overcome and prevent illness—and discover the lives they were meant to live. What he does is several decades ahead of scientific discovery. His compassionate approach, which takes into account well-being on every level, not just physical health, has time and again given relief and results to those who seek him out. Anthony's unprecedented accuracy and success rate as the Medical Medium have earned him the trust and love of thousands worldwide, among them movie stars, rock stars, billionaires, professional athletes, best-selling authors, and countless other people from all walks of life who couldn’t find a way to heal until he provided them with insights from Spirit. Anthony has also become an invaluable resource to doctors who need help solving their most difficult cases. He is the author of the New York Times Best Selling book, Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal.

Beverly Montgomery

LIVE Healing Call "Finding Strength in an Ever-Changing World", plus "Accessing Love by Acknowledging Fear" and "Living Peacefully Amidst the Chaos" Beverly Montgomery is an extraordinary healer and intuitive. She can identify and remove energies, thought patterns and stuck emotions that prevent us from moving forward in the Divine design for our lives. What could take years of "talking therapy", she can actively remove in one session. Beverly has been doing private healing sessions and consultations for over 15 years.

Dana and Brent

Founders of Lyme Less Live More and Hosts of the "Winter Sessions" Dana Walsh, featured in the Lyme Documentary UNDER OUR SKIN, and Brent Martin (Founders of Lyme Less Live More) identified a giant gap while recovering from Lyme: What to do in-between doctor visits? Each with a personal Lyme story and both having been down a long road with chronic illness (10 plus years), they recall that time when they felt they were left in the abyss. They realized to reverse an illness, it would take daily care and attention. Now, with the help of their expert faculty Dana and Brent teach a multi-faceted approach to recovering health that includes self-care, healthy mindset, and conscious awareness.

Benefits of Joining the Program:

  • Get support in building healthy habits
  • Communicate in a safe environment
  • Get unstuck and try new approaches
  • Go at your own pace (gentle and self-paced)
  • Get empowered with new self-care insights
  • Be part of a strong and lighthearted group
  • Feel heard, understood and supported

Expert Interviews, Soul-full Sunday's,
4 Q&A Support Call Recordings, Recipes, Cooking Videos and Teaching Videos!
And a Private Facebook Group just for this Cleanse!

Get inside "The Winter Sessions" LIVE Program now for $44 (Repeat Winter Price).
(includes all interviews, instructions, call recordings, and ongoing member site access)
** Doors Open on Feb 24 **

Get In With Us!

Here's what our Past Cleanse Members are saying...

"Thank you so much for all your hard work and effort that you have put into helping others.  You two are the best!  You make me feel less alone on this lonely Lyme recovery road.
You  also come at a valuable time for me as I have been working out cleaning out the parasites and mold toxins this last year and even now." -- Brenda

Thank you so much for all you're doing!  It's exactly what I need... at the right time, in the right way...
The more incentive/information I have, the easier it is for me to eliminate something from my diet. This cleanse has been amazing for me in that regard.  I love listening to the professionals you've invited... it really helps me to solidify my resolve to make changes. So much gratitude." -- Katie

"I thank you both for providing such valuable information and priceless compassion and hope at an affordable price." -- Estelle

Dear Dana and Brent, Many thanks for last night's telephone session.  It was very beneficial.  You are amazing, pulling this all together!  Please know that you are deeply touching many lives and have already given me more than you can imagine.
Kindest regards and appreciation to Marc as well.
Keep up the great work!
With love and gratitude." -- E

Thanks a million to Dana and Brent for putting this cleanse program together. I can't tell you how much better I feel after only a couple of weeks. So good, in fact, that i ran a half marathon yesterday for the first time since my symptoms began. Just really amazing. 
So anyway, thanks again for your call. All the best to you both." -- Christine

"I have improved my bowels to having one regular movement daily (rather than skipping a day a few times a week). I have been able to have 2 movements per day on an occasion." -- Denell

"I just want to express my gratitude for the work you are doing!! I really appreciate your sensitivity with people and the thoroughness with which you address our questions. Thank you!" -- Brent

"Thanks so much for all the amazing info and guiding us through the cleanse, I feel great!" -- Christine

"From your home and on your time,
gather with us for this warm and enriching experience."

Get Inside the "Winter Sessions" LIVE Program Now for $44 (Repeat Winter Price)
** Live Program Doors Open on February 21 **

(includes permanent access to all recordings and members area)

Get In With Us!

Winter Fireside 2

Change, move and grow.

PS... Who said getting healthy can't be fun?