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Spring Cleanse Kit

One thing we have learned in the last 3 cleanses, is that getting enough nutrients in a day can be very challenging. Choosing good food is paramount, but getting enough of the good stuff isn't always easy -- especially when fatigued.

Sometimes supplements are needed.

While we feel that food is the very best way to get your nutrients for healing and detox, sometimes we need an extra boost, specifically with Phase II Liver Detox.

Last Summer, we discovered a great cleansing kit that we used in our Fall Cleanse, for those people who were ready to do more.

We feel it's an extension of the cleanse, but NOT at all required.

We've decided to bring it back as an option for those of you that are ready. This cleanse kit is well-known in the Lyme community. We were able to private label it and offer you a 20% discount out of the commission we would make.

Paleo Cleanse price -- and link

Live more Price --

Like everything in the cleanse, please consult with your doctor or healthcare practitioner before consuming this product.

We will be taking it ourselves. We both felt more energy and I had improvement in my skin and vision. Again this doesn't replace our beautiful food. IT's an addition to a balanced diet.

Here's more:

"Detox Supplements to Optimize Your Cleanse"

with Dr. Michael Jurgelewicz, DC

We always take a FOOD FIRST approach to healing. However, after proper food, hydration, and elimination is in place, supplements can play a big role in increasing support and accelerating results.

We asked Dr. Michael Jergelwicz in this Q&A interview about how to best layer in additional detox and cleansing supplements, specifically for the optional Cleanse+ Kit going into Week 3.

About the Optional Cleanse+ Kit:

This past Spring we went to a big health conference with some of the leaders in health and nutrition. This detox kit was featured with the option to put our private label on it. After hearing about how easy and effective these products can be, we decided too add this kit as an option for the third phase of our cleanse.

Dana and Brent will be adding this detox kit on the third week for a deeper liver cleanse. We are strong enough to move into a deeper phase by week 3. But prep phases must be in place -- hydration, good food, proper elimination.

This Cleanse+ Kit is completely optional and not at all required to get results.

Please consult with a health care provider. This cleanse is meant to be 14 days (2 shakes a day), but we are recommending one shake per day to start.

** Click here for more information about the Cleanse+ Kit, ingredients, and to order it for Week 3. **

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