Lyme Less Live More

Winter Call #7 - Wrap-Up Call

Here is the recording for the Wrap Up Call with Dana and Brent.
It was a good one. The sound's a little wobbly at the end, but the information is still there.

Listen to the call here (45 minutes):

Right click here to download the MP3

Next steps:

Thank you again for joining us. We learned so much and we thoroughly enjoyed our time with you. Next steps for us will be creating a Spring Cleanse. We will go deep on this one! In the call replay (where the sound was wobbly) we discussed our new plan to look for funding.

We are just two of us creating and maintaining these programs, without pay. We are looking forward to making this a sustainable business, but we need help.

You joining this cleanse is a wonderful contribution to Lyme Less Live More, and we are so grateful.

Moving forward it would really help us if you shared your experience so that more people may benefit from these programs. Many of you are teachers, and there are so many people that need your support in our Facebook group, etc.

As well, if you know anyone that is in a position to donate to us, please let them know their donation would be tax deductible.

Open Eye Pictures, the creator of Under Our Skin, has agreed to be our fiscal sponsor, meaning they will stand as the non-profit for us so we can receive donations and the donor gets a tax write off. Open Eye Pictures would then take a percentage of the donation. Everyone wins in this equation!

Thank you. We love being with you. And we are very excited of what's yet to come.

We invite you to come over to LYME LESS LIVE MORE's main FACEBOOK page to share your love and experience.

So blessed,

Dana and Brent